The Horse Clones Are Coming : BuzzFeed

In 2009, Tailor Fit had a problem — or, more accurately, his owners did. He had a great lineage, two AQHA championships behind him and, under other circumstances, he would have had a lucrative string of stud fees ahead of him. But like most champion quarter horses, Tailor Fit was a gelding and couldn’t breed — so his owners lost out on a wealth of stud fees and anyone who wanted to breed towards a better quarter horse was out of luck. Unless, of course, they were into cloning.At the time, Blake Russell was three years into his tenure at Viagen, a livestock cloning company. He was also a racing fan, so when Tailor Fit caught his eye, he was able to collect a tissue sample and work up an exact clone. The resulting horse was christened Pure Tailor Fit, an ungelded replica of the original, ready to be replicated whenever the need might arise.

via The Horse Clones Are Coming.


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