Water Requirements In Horses

The Horse online provides some valuable information for horse owners on factors affecting the water requirements of equines.

The Horse | Understanding Horses’ Water Requirements

Water is one of the essential nutrients a horse needs to perform a number of life-support functions, including digestion and thermoregulation. Especially with the hot summer weather prevalent in much of the country, it’s important to ensure horses have access to water at all times.

As horse owners, we know it’s important to provide free-choice water to horses at all times, but it is also imperative that the water is of good quality, clean, and palatable.

A number of circumstances can lead a water deficiency in horses, including unpalatable taste, lack of water offered, or loss of thirst due to exertion. The effects of insufficient water intake include decreased performance, decreased feed intake, dehydration, and eventually, if not remedied, death.

On average, a typical 1,100-pound horse at maintenance consumes four to nine gallons of water per day. The amount of water a horse requires can vary depending upon several factors:   (Continue Reading By Clicking Link)

via The Horse | Understanding Horses’ Water Requirements.

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